

GravityClient The GravityClient class can be used to send events, item and user information to the recommendation engine and get recommendations.
GravityEvent Describes an event for the recommendation engine, for example a user viewed an item.
GravityException The exception class used by the recommendation engine client in case of an error.
GravityFaultInfo Describes the error occured during a request.
GravityItem An item is something that can be recommended to users.
GravityItemRecommendation Contains a list of recommended items. This class is here only to describe the result, the actual result will not be an instance of this class because of json deserialization.
GravityNameValue A name and a value. This can be used to provide information about items, users and events.
GravityRecEngException This class used to deserialize exceptions coming from the recommendation engine.
GravityRecommendationContext Contains information for a recommendation request.
GravityUser A user in the recommendation system. A user is an entity which generates event, and can get recommendations.




Could not connect to remote host.

You should never use the value of the constant, always use it be referencing its name.



Could not resolve the remote host name.

You should never use the value of the constant, always use it be referencing its name.



A non-200 HTTP response code was received.

You should never use the value of the constant, always use it be referencing its name.



Unknown error during communication.

You should never use the value of the constant, always use it be referencing its name.



Timeout during communication.

You should never use the value of the constant, always use it be referencing its name.



The client was initilized with invalid configuration.

You should never use the value of the constant, always use it be referencing its name.